"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. and the greatest of these is love."
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
And The Greatest of These, metalcore band from Sioux City, made reference to this biblical passage when coming up with a band name because they believed that the passage encompassed their mission statement. "Love is the one thing the world could never have enough of and God Is the only everlasting source of this perfect Love. We want to do nothing but spread His Love." says the band.
In November 2009, Matthew Mika brought everyone together. Matthew was in an all-girl metal band (being the only exception) before it's demise. He brought on a few former band mates together to form the new band. In the beginning, the band had three female members which sometimes got them some extra attention. "It had been a draw for so many fans, to see and hear three girls on stage doing what they do and doing it very well. From Nichole's lead vocals to Katie's shredding, it was definitely a huge thing that set us apart. The time that this oddity really drew the crowd was at Cornerstone. Kids walking past our tent while Nichole was doing her sound check would hear the sweetest voice followed by a beastly low growl. However, Nichole and our bassist Erin have decided to leave to pursue other ministries, but we are still very supportive of them in every way we can be."
Although categorized in the metalcore genre, the band ranges in influences from Indie to experimental metal. The band tries to keep their own sound very original while exploring their full spectrum of influences. The band consistently tries to keep their music fresh, making sure their portfolio has a nice variety of sound in hopes that the listener will stay attentive and interested. The band is sometimes compared to For Today, War Of Ages, and In The Midst Of Lions.

The current band line-up consists of Matthew Mika (vocals), Katie Linder (guitar), Joel Ysselstein (drums), Wade Folkerts (guitar), and Chris Davenport (bass). The band has played nearly 90 shows, so it's safe to say that the band is no stranger to the stage. They try to stay away from too much choreography, using it only to get an effect they're aiming for. They aim to put on a great intense show that stands out from the rest. They feel that performing on stage is an opportunity to make a lasting impression on the listeners. In recent years, the local music support in Sioux City has been left a dim light as opposed to the bright one it was 5 years ago. In turn, the local shows are either hit or miss, so the band tries to tour as often as possible.

By the end of the summer, the band hopes to have accomplished three things. First and foremost, the band hopes to finish writing their album. "This album is already very close to our hearts. This will be a concept album over the beatitudes found in the book of Matthew [in the Bible]. It has been such a learning experience for us to learn about and incorporate everything those verses have to teach us about everyday life. You can expect an emotional album with lyrics you'll really need to delve into, while still keeping your blood pumping."
Second, the band will be touring June and July while also hitting up their favorite music festivals including Cornerstone and Sonshine. Last and certainly not least, the band hopes to get the album laid down with famed producer and engineer, Jaime King. As far as long-term plans go, the band hopes to get signed by a quality label that can provide them all the necessary resources for them to continue doing what they do and Love while being able to afford to continue touring, living and eating,. Most importantly, the band hopes to find a label that will continue connecting them with their fans and helping building real and lasting relationships with their supporters.
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